Heavy Periods and Abnormal Bleeding
If you would like to see a London gynaecologist about heavy periods, please call our clinic to make an appointment.
Heavy periods can be experienced by the young as well as older women and they only stop at the menopause.
Heavy bleeds with clots can cause pain and cramping as well as nausea and dizziness. Many women need to take time off from work to recover from bad periods and can also experience stress as a result of this.
Younger women respond to the oral contraceptive pill which they can take back to back for three cycles to reduce the frequency of the periods.
Tranexamic Acid and Mefenamic Acid can also be prescribed to reduce the amount of flow and are taken during the days of the period. Our London gynaecologist can prescribe the oral contraceptive pill specifically one to suit the individual as well as Tranexamic and Mefenamic Acid.
The Mirena IUS coil has also been a great advance. It is fitted painlessly in the outpatient setting towards the end of a period. It reduces blood flow dramatically and many women even experience only light spotting or no periods at all. It is a good contraceptive and can stay in place for five years. Our woman gynaecologist can fit a coil for you at the correct time in your cycle.
For women who have completed their families and not had a good response to these treatments an endometrial ablation can be the answer.
Every month the lining of the womb called the endometrium thickens up and when conception does not occur a period comes as the lining breaks down and is expelled.
An endometrial ablation is a procedure that takes very little time to do under a spinal block or light anaesthetic. A small heating device is introduced into the womb and when in place it heats the lining and permanently destroys it.
The lining comes away as a watery discharge for about a week and periods stop. The ovaries continue to ovulate so the woman has her normal female hormonal cycle.
If you would like more information please make an appointment to come and discuss your suitability for the procedure.
It has been one of the greatest advances in women’s healthcare in recent years.
If you are experiencing any of the following:
- Heavy painful periods
- Bleeding between your periods
- Bleeding after intercourse
- Bleeding after the menopause
This should be investigated.
We offer:
- A consultation
- Blood tests if necessary
- An ultrasound scan
- An infection screen
- Examination of the womb and biopsy if necessary
Kind and sympathetic treatment by a women gynaecologist with over 20 years experience.