A womb with a view
We offer a specialist ultrasound scan service. A transvaginal probe is used except for the very young patients.
We recommend scans for:
- Fertility investigation
- Follicle or egg growth during the cycle
- Early pregnancy check ups
- Growth of the fetus in the first three months of pregnancy
- To diagnose polycystic ovaries
- To detect ovarian cysts
- To examine the pelvis in cases of pelvic pain
- To check for fibroids and polyps
- To check for causes of abnormal bleeding
- To check the ovaries in older women
Harmony Test for Fetal Chromosome Analysis
Recent advances in genetics have enabled us to screen your baby at 10 weeks gestation for chromosome abnormalities.
There are a variety of chromosomal disorders of which Trisomy 21 or Downs Syndrome is the most well known.
A sample of your blood at 10 weeks or more gestation can be taken and analysed for cells from your baby which circulate in your blood.
This enables us to make a much earlier diagnosis of a chromosomal disorder and for you to make the appropriate decision about your pregnancy.
A counselling service will support and be available for further discussion if necessary.
Please contact us at 10 weeks for a scan and the blood test.
The charge is £650.