Are you leaking?
If you would like to see a London gynaecologist about stress incontinence please call our clinic for an appointment.
Leakage of urine after coughing or exercising is called stress incontinence and is common in women who have had children and are over 40 years.
It may respond to pelvic floor exercises, but for women who are reduced to wearing a panty pad and feel damp on and off during the day surgery is an option.
Whilst asleep under a light anaesthetic a small tape is introduced through the vagina and inserted under the bladder neck. This lifts up the bladder neck and prevents leakage of urine.
Excellent results have been obtained world wide with this procedure called the tension free vaginal tape and it is highly recommended especially for all the women who like to exercise and are restricted by embarrassing leakage.
Our woman gynaecologist has had years of experience with this procedure and highly recommends it as a cure for stress incontinence.